Gerald Finzi (1901-1956)

Werke sortiert nach Opuszahl

op. 1 Nr. 1 Children's Songs: The Lily has a smooth stalk (Lied)
op. 1 Nr. 2 Children's Songs: Dancing on the hill-tops (Lied)
op. 1 Nr. 3 Children's Songs: Lullaby, oh lullaby (Lied)
op. 1 Nr. 4 Children's Songs: Rosy Maiden Winifred (Lied)
op. 1 Nr. 5 Children's Songs: Dead in the cold (Lied)
op. 1 Nr. 6 Children's Songs: Margaret has a milking-pail (Lied)
op. 1 Nr. 7 Children's Songs: Ferry me across the water (Lied)
op. 1 Nr. 8 Children's Songs: There's snow on the fields (Lied)
op. 1 Nr. 9 Children's Songs: A linnet in a gilded cage (Lied)
op. 1 Nr. 10 Children's Songs: Boy Johnny (Lied)
op. 2 Nr. 1 By Footpath and Stile: Paying calls (Lied)
op. 2 Nr. 2 By Footpath and Stile: Where the picnic was (Lied)
op. 2 Nr. 3 By Footpath and Stile: The oxen (Lied)
op. 2 Nr. 4 By Footpath and Stile: The master and the leaves (Lied)
op. 2 Nr. 5 By Footpath and Stile: Voices from things growing in a churchyard (Lied)
op. 2 Nr. 6 By Footpath and Stile: Exeunt omnes (Lied)
op. 3 A Severn Rhapsody (Rhapsodie)
op. 5 Nr. 1 Three Short Elegies: Life a right shadow is (Chorwerk)
op. 5 Nr. 2 Three Short Elegies: This world a hunting is (Chorwerk)
op. 5 Nr. 3 Three Short Elegies: This life, which seems so fair (Chorwerk)
op. 6 Introit (Orchesterwerk)
op. 7 New Year Music (Orchesterwerk)
op. 8 Dies natalis (Kantate) Klassika CD-Kaufempfehlung bei jpc
op. 9 Farewell to Arms (Lied) Libretto vorhanden
op. 10 Eclogue (Orchesterwerk)
op. 11 Romance / Romanze (Romanze) Libretto vorhanden
op. 12 Nr. 1 Two Sonnets: When I consider how my life is spent (Lied)
op. 12 Nr. 2 Two Sonnets: How soon hath Time (Lied)
op. 13 (posth.) Nr. 1 To a Poet: To a poet a thousand years hence (Lied)
op. 13 (posth.) Nr. 2 To a Poet: On parent knees (Lied)

In Klassika sind 3 weitere Werke von Gerald Finzi erfasst, aber nicht in dieser Liste enthalten. Die Auflistung der Werke von Gerald Finzi ist noch nicht vollständig und wird nach und nach durch die Autoren von Klassika ergänzt.

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