Paul Wranitzky (1756-1808)

Wranitzky, Paul

Personal Data:

Born: 30 December 1756
Nová Říše, Moravia
Died: 26 September 1808
Vienna, Austria
Variant Names: tschechisch Pavel Vranický
deutsch Paul Wranitzky
französisch Paul Wranitzky
[Unfortunately, this text has not yet been translated. Please refer to the German page.]

Catalogue raisoné:

Works sorted by Opus number (German only) 140 entries
Works sorted by category (German only) 189 entries
Works sorted by date of composition (German only) 89 entries
Works sorted by title (German only) 189 entries

Purchasing Recommendations:

CDs with works from Paul Wranitzky
Scores for works from Paul Wranitzky at Notenlager
Last change: 1 November 2021

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